Saturday, December 15, 2012

Year in Review: January

I remember it like it was yesterday.

New Year's Eve 2011. My children were fast asleep. My husband was geeking out on the x-box. I was sitting out on the patio, smoking cigarettes and otherwise. It was 9:30 p.m. My last Facebook status of the year read:

"happy fucking new year, folks. I'm off to bed...big surprise. hope 2012 doesn't blow donkey balls for y'all...hey, can someone explain to me why it smells like feces in reseda?"

And that pretty much summed up my year.

January brought lots of hope for change and beginning anew. That's the nice thing about a new year: All the horrible shit that happened in the last 12 months can be left behind, and all of the good things that happened can be cherished as memories. Really, this can be done at anytime, but there is nothing like a new year to force it upon a person.

My New Year's Resolutions for 2012 were as follows:

-Quit smoking (didn't happen...and I sort of tried)
-Lose 20-40 #s (I lost 35, but due to losing my walking buddies [twice], medication changes and lack of motivation, I've since gained it all back. boo.)
-Drink more water (getting better. at least I've quit drinking soda at home)
-Be a better wife and mom (a work in progress)

Other highlights of January 2012:

-My dad was diagnosed with Prostate Cancer
-I turned 29
-Mark turned 40 (haha, old man...)
-I found an AMAZING hair stylist at Pomp Studio. Expensive as Hell, but damn, do I feel and look like a million bucks when Ms. Ashley Livesay is done with me!

Ugly hair cut that started to become more enjoyable

Minus the cancer diagnoses, January was pretty average. Which is a good thing. I'll take average any day over catastrophic bull shit that seems to rear it's ugly head at the most inopportune times. 

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