Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Today I Get Fucking Crafty

So yesterday I posted a whiny rant about some bull shit that, if I really wanted to make easier on myself, I'd assign more chores to my family, shut my filthy trap and be happy with what I've got.

Today is a new day though, filled with new adventures, and shit so exciting I'd probably pee my pants if I were either a lot younger or a lot older.

Well, maybe not adventures (I went to Ralph's this morning!) and maybe not so exciting that I pee my pants (but I did have to go pee really bad when I got home from the supermarket and almost didn't make it - having to leap over the baby gate that blocks the hallway and all.), but exciting enough to bring a smile to my kid's faces because they can do something a tad more fun than homework and beating each other up.

Tuesdays are probably my favorite day of the week. Since the house is pretty livable now, I usually make a mess out of it again by getting my genius on.

Actually, this morning was amazing! Everyone in the house was up at the same time as me, 5:30 in case you were wondering. This meant I could con Mark into helping me fold the laundry and put it away. Score! Then I had about and hour and a half before I needed to bring Madison to school, so I washed the dinner dishes (Didn't get done last night, but then again Mark didn't get home from working two jobs until well after I had gone to bed. I don't blame him for not doing the dishes.) and then took out the garbage and recycling. After dropping M off at school, Robert and I went to the supermarket and were home by 8:30. Shit ninja! I feel like I've completed so much and still have the rest of the day to do whatever! Awe-some.

During the summer I usually bake bread on Tuesday, but because the temperature is not supposed to be above 75° today (oh, the horror!) I'm planning a few new activities planned.

Thanks to Pinterest, I get all fucking crafty on Tuesdays. Today I'm going to have M help me make snowflakes for each of the children in her Kindergarten class. I'm also making some laundry detergent to give to my in-laws as x-mas gifts (Sorry if I blew the secret for you guys!).

If I remember to, and chances are I won't, I'll post some photos. Otherwise, refer to the links.

In the mean time, here is a photo of M making snow angels in some fake snow that we waited 2 hours to play in last year at our local YMCA...NEVER AGAIN!

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