I forgot to share this with y'all the other day...
Dear emily,
As you wake up and ponder will mark still love me at the end of the world. You will find not only did the world end but my love for you continues on, well beyond our lives. You have been the one constant force in my life that I look forward to seeing when I wake up. Yes you drive me crazy when you back into my car or do things that even a 6 year would not do like get your hair cut in a shed in the backyard of some creeper. As I count down the hours to doomsday I could not ever think of spending the rest of my last hours with anyone else but you. I will spend my life as a walking dead or survivor of a wasteland always thinking of you and the love that I have in my heart. Well unless eaten by one of the kids as they feed off my dead body wondering the world as my little zombies. Make that OUR little zombies. NOW if the world does not end, I promise to love you forever and may or may not haunt you once I pass on. I know I don't say it enough but you are an amazing wife and an outstanding mom to our kids.
ME (Mark)
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